Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Welcome to the Cavalcade!

Okay first off an introduction to me! I am Phoenix J. Alvarado also known around the web as the CrazyScarecrow or TheDrawingScarecrow. Pretty much if its a weird name involving Batman's ever lovable foe, the Scarecrow, then it could probably be me. On top of being on the Internet I also draw and write! I am drawing and writing my own comic with a title that goes like this: Cardinal & Erin. The story is basically about a sidekick and damsel in distress deciding they had enough of the big hero's crap and go out to become their own person. Trying to find their place in the world. I'll probably be posting some stuff about it on here once I actually go through and publish them. I also like other stuff like walking and music. Specifically punk rock and older music. Ska is also good.

So how about an introduction to the blog?

I am a huge fan of comics. I love the history to it all and the characters and the art. Especially old school art! I basically opened this blog to publish some stuff about comics when I feel like it and to share my knowledge on the subject. I have been told I am very knowledgable. Thank you Internetz! Though yes, I'll be writing a lot of stuff about comics. As I said it'll be when I feel like it so I don't know when exactly I'll be posting. Maybe as time marches on some of you readers could contribute.

Also I guess I should share where I got my blog name. So back in 1940's, in time comic historians now regard as the Golden Age of Comics, there was a book that was originally titled World's Best Comics though became World's Finest Comics (original run: Spring 1941 to January 1986) after the first issue. That book originated from another book though that is a topic for another time.

Anyhoo, the book was published by DC Comics and filled with their stars such as Superman, Batman & Robin, Green Arrow & Speedy, etc. Now at time DC Comics partnered up with another published called All American Comics. All American had characters such as Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and the Flash. DC and All American often merged their comics together allowing them to crossover in books such as All Star Comics (home of the Justice Society). All American Comics published a book, which in my opinion could be due to DC's World's Finest,  that took the top three company stars and placed them in a book together along with a few other characters.

The characters that got this honor were the original Flash and Green Lantern along with Wonder Woman. The book was titled Comic Cavalcade and released in 1942. The book ran like this for years  publishing new stories of the three heroes much like World's Finest did with it's three company stars. This lasted until the 30th issue of Comic Cavalcade when superheroes started to wane in popularity.

The animated movie duo, the Fox & the Crow, took over the book and ended it with 63 issues in 1954. The Comic Cavalcade name was pretty much then forgotten though did have revival in the 1970's during the DC Implosion,  which pretty much was big economic down fall for DC's publishing I'll get into all that later probably, as Cancelled Comic Cavalcade. That book pretty much took any comics that couldn't published due to the conditions of the downfall and published them.

So yes! That is how I got my name. I'll probably go more in depth with this stuff at a later date.

Thanks for reading! 
- CrazyScarecrow